Hydri inaugurates hydrogen gas station at E6 in Håby

On a beautiful and chilly December day, Vätgas Sverige participated in Hydri’s opening hydrogen filling station in Håby – Munkedal. Despite the cold, representatives from both business and the public sector gathered to inaugurate the unique Hydri concept with fossil-free fuels, which will now be rolled out in Sweden at Rasta’s truck stops in the coming year.
Hydri’s nationwide investment in the construction of filling stations is, together with other companies that build hydrogen infrastructure, an important piece of the puzzle to enable sustainable transport solutions. Earlier this autumn, the company inaugurated its first hydrogen filling station in the Port of Gothenburg.
An important hub for sustainable transport on the west coast

Håby in Munkedal is located on the E6, just over 1 hour north of Gothenburg and is a central hub for heavy transport along the west coast. Peter Enå, CEO at Hydri says that they chose Håby both because the location is strategically suitable as the E6 is one of the busiest transport routes on the west coast and because the municipality has been positive and solution-oriented to get the station in place.
´For Munkedal and the region, this is not only an investment in infrastructure, but also a way to position itself as a leading actor in the transition to sustainable transport. “This is just the beginning. Munkedal is ready to be the first and put our municipality on the map for future transport, says Martin Svedberg Rödin, member of Munkedal municipal council.
Rasta enables fossil-free conversion at its facilities
The new station is adapted for heavy traffic and is part of a larger initiative to expand the infrastructure for hydrogen-powered transport in Sweden. Mikael Backström from Rasta emphasized the importance of making sustainable alternatives available along their Rasta stations located on Sweden’s most important transport routes.
The transport and logistics industry welcomes fossil-free fuels
Fredrik Landegren from TRB Sweden highlighted that the expansion of hydrogen gas stations is part of the transition, but that there is an important bottleneck: “Our members are happy to switch to fossil-free vehicles, but what is missing are the vehicles. An important condition is that the vehicle manufacturers need to increase the pace.”
Volvo Trucks develops hydrogen-powered vehicles
Daniel Bergstrand from Volvo Trucks said that the company is working intensively to introduce heavy vehicles, both with fuel cells and converted internal combustion engines that run on hydrogen, to the market within five years. At the same time, they see opportunities to speed up the transition by initiating pilot projects even before these solutions become commercially available.
Samarbete nyckeln till fossilfria transporter och klimatmålen

In order to enable a faster transition to fossil-free transport and reach the climate goals, close cooperation between different sectors is required. Vehicle manufacturers need to increase the pace of development of fossil-free vehicles, producers of green hydrogen need to ensure sustainable and accessible energy supply, and infrastructure needs to be expanded to meet the needs.
At the same time, government incentives and strategic measures from the government and business play a decisive role in creating the conditions for investment and innovation. Only by pooling resources and expertise across sector boundaries can we accelerate the transition to a sustainable transport sector and ensure a green future.
Development of infrastructure for hydrogen enables a green transition
The development of the infrastructure for hydrogen filling stations in Sweden means a big step forward in the transition to fossil-free transport. Vätgas Sweden is happy about the success that is now taking shape and looks with confidence at how this expansion will contribute to creating the conditions for sustainable transport throughout the country.