Twenty new hydrogen locomotives

Väte Rail plans to purchase 20 new hydrogen locomotives from the Polish manufacturer Pesa to modernize its locomotive fleet and reach the goal of carbon neutrality by 2030. The first locomotives will be delivered within two years and the entire fleet should be in operation by 2030 at the latest.

To facilitate the transition, the company is collaborating with a customer that produces its own hydrogen gas. The hydrogen locomotives will be rented via Hankavik AB, a newly started company that handles the rental.

De nya loken drivs av bränsleceller som omvandlar vätgas till elektricitet och släpper endast ut vatten, vilket gör dem till ett miljövänligt alternativ. Detta steg är en del av transportsektorns strävan efter fossilfrihet och förnybar energi.

With this investment, Väte Rail strengthens its role in the green transition within rail transport and contributes to Sweden’s national climate goals. The initiative shows the railway’s potential in reducing emissions and offering sustainable transport solutions.

Photo: Väte Rail