Cooperation is the way forward

There was a large turnout of members who gathered to explore and discuss cooperation in the green value chain at Vätgas Sweden’s network meeting. The event was hosted by Hitachi Energy in Västerås, which generously opened its fine premises for the day.

It was a very exciting day with many interesting program items. Siros Jahanfar from Hitachi Energy welcomed and talked about the growth journey the energy company is now on, thanks to its hydrogen ventures. Erik Wiberg and Björn Aronsson from Vätgas Sverige offered an interesting global analysis, Niklas Sigholm from Sigholm Tech gave a very exciting update on the energy system of the future, Andreas Bodén from Powercell and Thomas Einarsson from Hitachi Energy talked about the HyFlex hydrogen generator that the companies developed together, Maria Skoglund and Erik Odens from the municipality of Ludvika spoke inspiringly about their successful collaboration between the municipality and the business community, as well as Gustav Ebenå from the Energy Agency, who offered a partial report of coordination mission hydrogen.

It became clear that cooperation between different industries and sectors is the key to accelerating the energy transition. Many examples showed that the technology is already working and solutions exist, but there are still challenges at the system level, especially with a lack of understanding from the government around the necessary measures.

The industry’s investments in hydrogen open up great opportunities for the municipalities. This means increased tax revenue, more jobs and a thriving business community. Ludvika municipality emphasizes this with its motto: there are 147 billion reasons to like Ludvika. Unfortunately, not all municipalities are aware of the connection between access to renewable energy and the possibility of new jobs.

The day was colored by energy, enthusiasm and commitment to a sustainable future, where Vätgas Sweden’s members and partners underlined the importance of collaboration and innovation to shape the energy system of the future. The fruitful meetings and conversations show that Vätgas Sweden’s network meetings continue to be an important platform for driving the energy transition forward. Many thanks to everyone who participated!

Björn Aronsson from Vätgas Sweden, Thomas Einarsson from Hitachi Energy, Andreas Bodén from Powercell, Erik Odens and Maria Skoglund from Ludvika municipality and Anders Lundell from Vätgas Sweden.