Save the date: The hydrogen conference

On December 11-12, the Hydrogen Conference is arranged – Sweden’s largest meeting place for the hydrogen industry. Here we increase knowledge about the role of hydrogen in the energy and climate transition.

The conference is arranged by Energiforsk, Luleå tekniska universitet, Hydrogen Sweden, Energigas Sverige, Energiföretagen and Rise research institutes of Sweden.

The theme for the year is Solutions that create change and the focus will be on companies, organizations and people who have made actual investments or have practical experiences and solutions to share. It will be a mix of presentations, workshops, panel discussions and mingling. A conference program will be presented later.

In connection with the conference, an exhibition with a limited number of booths for stakeholders in the hydrogen industry is being arranged in collaboration with Stockholmsmässan.

It will be two busy days as we increase the knowledge of hydrogen technology and its economic conditions for varying areas of use in different sectors and the role of hydrogen from a systems perspective.

Prenumerera gärna på vårt nyhetsbrev för att hålla dig uppdaterad om när anmälan öppnas.

“Good breadth from research, innovation to practice and political situation.”

“Great to have such a large platform in one place.”

“Made many contacts with potential future partners.”

“Just the conversations during the breaks were worth their weight in gold!”

Quotes from participants at the Hydrogen Conference 2023.

Read more about the Hydrogen Conference.