Large find of natural hydrogen in mine in Albania

Scientists and companies are looking all over the world to find natural hydrogen, so-called white hydrogen, to be used as a clean fuel. White hydrogen is hydrogen that occurs naturally in gaseous form in deposits in the bedrock. Now, a group of researchers at the French University of Grenoble Alpes has been able to measure […]

Save the date: The hydrogen conference

On December 11-12, the Hydrogen Conference is arranged – Sweden’s largest meeting place for the hydrogen industry. Here we increase knowledge about the role of hydrogen in the energy and climate transition. The conference is arranged by Energiforsk, Luleå tekniska universitet, Hydrogen Sweden, Energigas Sverige, Energiföretagen and Rise research institutes of Sweden. The theme for […]

We want to hear your thoughts on an equal energy industry

We at Vätgas Sweden constantly strive to promote gender equality within our emerging hydrogen industry. This topic was also raised at the last Women in Green Hydrogen – Sweden (WiGH) meeting in Stockholm in January this year. We are now keen to gather thoughts and ideas to better understand both the challenges and opportunities that […]

Hydrogen is perfect in a port environment

When the Port of Gothenburg needed electric excavators, without running cables from the regular electricity grid, hydrogen became the solution. The technology means that it is possible to electrify in places where there is no extended current. Instead, the batteries are charged from the energy contained in the green hydrogen gas delivered in a container […]