Hydrogen Pioneers on the Road
On a sunny and breezy day in May, we encountered the entrepreneurial duo behind the H2roadtrip. Our rendezvous took place at the operational hydrogen filling station in Gothenburg.
On a sunny and breezy day in May, we encountered the entrepreneurial duo behind the H2roadtrip. Our rendezvous took place at the operational hydrogen filling station in Gothenburg.
In June, Italy inaugurates its national hydrogen strategy. Subsequently, Sweden is among the absolute last in the EU that does not yet have a coherent, politically decided strategy for the role of hydrogen in the transition to a sustainable society. The government should urgently produce an action-oriented strategy, anchored with business. Most people now realize […]
Bästa läsare,Snart lämnar vi ett annorlunda och utmanande år bakom oss, ett år präglat av en turbulent omvärld, oväntade händelser och nya perspektiv som fått oss att tänka om och tänka nytt. Kanske är det just i tider som dessa vi som mest behöver vår “kompass” för att navigera framåt, med tillförsikt, mod och gemensam […]
Afry, which is one of Vätgas Sverige’s members, has been commissioned by Lausitz Energie Kraftwerke (LEAG) to support the development of a second Power-to-X plant in Germany.
In the Korean media, we can read that Hyundai plans to start manufacturing a super sports car with an electric motor powered by both a battery and a hydrogen-powered fuel cell from mid-2026.