ABB: Hydrogen gas can be a game changer in the energy market

Finland’s official goal is to be a pioneering country and become climate neutral before the year 2035, which means that the share of renewable energy needs to increase significantly in the coming years. As the leading company in the Green Electrification 2035 program, which aims to find solutions that enable the rapidly growing use of renewable energy, ABB has a key role in the work and challenge of reaching climate neutrality. Simo Säynevirta, who in January 2023 was elected chairman of the Hydrogen Cluster Finland network, is Head of ABB Green Electrification ecosystem.

– ABB, in turn, has long been a partner to the forest industry in terms of electrification, automation and other solutions, says Simo Säynevirta.

In his talk at the conference Pulp & Beyond 2024, Simo Säynevirta highlighted hydrogen’s potential as a game changer in the energy market, especially in the forest industry. By using green electricity for electrolysis, hydrogen can be produced. Which, in combination with biogenic carbon dioxide from the forest industry, can generate electrofuels for the transport sector. ABB sees electrification and hydrogen production as key factors in balancing the energy system of the future, especially considering weather-dependent energy production from solar and wind. Säynevirta urges industries to embrace new technologies and change their processes to support the green transition and reduce carbon dioxide emissions.